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Cold Beetroot Soup Kholodnik
2 large beets
1 litre kefir or buttermilk
3 green onions
Dill chopped
0,5 litre water
Sour cream
Boiled young potatoes for serving
1 large cucumber or 4 small ones
4 hard boiled eggs
Jun 01, 2021
Gorgeous and heathy treat for hot summer lunches.
1 step
Boil beetroot until cooked and soft - easily pierced with a fork. This will take around 40 minutes, depending on the size of the beets. Peel and grate the beets and set aside.
2 step
Finely chop the cucumbers and the green onions. Cut hard boiled eggs in half and set aside.
3 step
In a pot, combine the kefir and water, add the salt.
4 step
5 step
Add the grated beets, cucumber, green onions, mix together and refrigerate until cold.
Serve with an egg cut in half in each bowl, along with a generous dollop of sour cream and dill. In Belarus we love eating a cold soup with hot boiled young potatoes.
When Summer arrives, with it arrives the time for cold soups for my family. I collect recipes and ideas from different countries. But an all time favourite in my household is a traditional Belarusian soup called Kholodnik. Sometimes people even call it cold borsch. The only similarity with the latter is that beetroot is the main ingredient, but then it has cucumbers and kefir/buttermilk, so no, it is not a cold borsch. The taste of it though is just right for the hot weather — it has the freshness of veggies and sourness of buttermilk.
Enjoy with you friends or family outside while the weather lasts!
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